Rubens, Peter Paul

Birthplace and date remark: Siegen is the most likely place of birth, given his birth date of 28 June 1577 (Van de Velde/Valkeneers 2013). His mother is documented in Siegen on 14 June 1577. Antwerp has also been proposed as his place of birth, on the account that he is documented as 'poorter' of Antwerp in 1618 (Tijs 2004). Houbraken wrongly states that he was born in Cologne.

Rubens, Peter Paul

Birthplace and date remark: Siegen is the most likely place of birth, given his birth date of 28 June 1577 (Van de Velde/Valkeneers 2013). His mother is documented in Siegen on 14 June 1577. Antwerp has also been proposed as his place of birth, on the account that he is documented as 'poorter' of Antwerp in 1618 (Tijs 2004). Houbraken wrongly states that he was born in Cologne.