Place/Date of activity

Serjeant-Painter of St. Martin-in-the-Fields by 1540. Probably the 'Master Nykolas', who worked at Greenwhich Palace 1527 and also 'Nicholas Lasora' working on the decorations of New Gallery at Whitehall, 1531-1533. In July 1544 he was paid, together with Bartolomeo Penni, for the large-scale decoration of the 'timber houses' at Sir Thomas Cawarden'home in Whitefriars, for which he charged the staggering sum of £ 178 19s.(receipt with details cited by Town 2014). On 1 November 1554 he succeeded Antonio Toto as Serjeant-Painter: the Office of Revels holds many records of his activities between 1544-1571 (many cited by Town 2014). For the Court of Queen Mary he undertook the work for the obsequies for Maria of Portugal, Queen of Spain in 1555, John III of Portugal in 1557, Emperor Charles V in 1558, and for Queen Elizabeth, the obsequies of Henri II of France 1559 and Emperor Ferdinand II in 1564. On New Year's Day 1556 he presented Mary I with a panel with Christ washing his disciples feet and in 1558 he was responsible for the decoration for the Queen's funeral, including her portrait (the head still in Westminster Abbey). On New Year's Day 1556 he presented Elizabeth I a picture with the History of Ahasuerus. He also worked for Robert Dudley (1st Earl of Leicester). He made his will on 14 February 1571 and named five son and four daughters. He left £ 80 in ready money and £ 20 in household goos to his wife. Executors were his sons William, Lewis and so-in-law Thomas Limby and James Depree, while his friends Anthony Walker, Clerk of the Queen's Wardrobe, and Thomas Fowler, Comptroller of the Office of Works became overseers. Probate on his will was granted on 20 April 1571 (Town 2014)

Place/Date of activity

Serjeant-Painter of St. Martin-in-the-Fields by 1540. Probably the 'Master Nykolas', who worked at Greenwhich Palace 1527 and also 'Nicholas Lasora' working on the decorations of New Gallery at Whitehall, 1531-1533. In July 1544 he was paid, together with Bartolomeo Penni, for the large-scale decoration of the 'timber houses' at Sir Thomas Cawarden'home in Whitefriars, for which he charged the staggering sum of £ 178 19s.(receipt with details cited by Town 2014). On 1 November 1554 he succeeded Antonio Toto as Serjeant-Painter: the Office of Revels holds many records of his activities between 1544-1571 (many cited by Town 2014). For the Court of Queen Mary he undertook the work for the obsequies for Maria of Portugal, Queen of Spain in 1555, John III of Portugal in 1557, Emperor Charles V in 1558, and for Queen Elizabeth, the obsequies of Henri II of France 1559 and Emperor Ferdinand II in 1564. On New Year's Day 1556 he presented Mary I with a panel with Christ washing his disciples feet and in 1558 he was responsible for the decoration for the Queen's funeral, including her portrait (the head still in Westminster Abbey). On New Year's Day 1556 he presented Elizabeth I a picture with the History of Ahasuerus. He also worked for Robert Dudley (1st Earl of Leicester). He made his will on 14 February 1571 and named five son and four daughters. He left £ 80 in ready money and £ 20 in household goos to his wife. Executors were his sons William, Lewis and so-in-law Thomas Limby and James Depree, while his friends Anthony Walker, Clerk of the Queen's Wardrobe, and Thomas Fowler, Comptroller of the Office of Works became overseers. Probate on his will was granted on 20 April 1571 (Town 2014)