Place/Date of activity

1642 member of the Guild, as a 'kamerschilder'(decorative painter): he payed 18 Guilders, which indicates that he was not a native of The Hague; 1655 decorations at the Hall of the States of Holland and West Friesland, nowadays the First Chamber of Parliament; still lived in The Hague in 1674, in 1677 recorded as being deceased.

Place/Date of activity

1642 member of the Guild, as a 'kamerschilder'(decorative painter): he payed 18 Guilders, which indicates that he was not a native of The Hague; 1655 decorations at the Hall of the States of Holland and West Friesland, nowadays the First Chamber of Parliament; still lived in The Hague in 1674, in 1677 recorded as being deceased.