Place/Date of activity

On his arrival in Rome, Poussin had the disadvantage of lacking clients and as he had no formal training, he had trouble keeping their heads above water in the first few years. In 1625-1627 he was commissioned by the Flemish painter Daniël Seghers (who was also in Rome at the time) to paint two religious works for Cassiano dal Pozzo, a client with whom Poussin would have a relationship for thirty years. In 1626, Poussin shared a home with the Flemish sculptor François Duquesnoy. In 1630 he was somewhat settled in Rome and he married the sister of the painter Gaspard Dughet, Ann-Marie. Dughet moved in with the couple in 1636. Big commission at this time for Cardinal Richelieu: a series of bacchanals for his newly built castle near Orléans

Place/Date of activity

On his arrival in Rome, Poussin had the disadvantage of lacking clients and as he had no formal training, he had trouble keeping their heads above water in the first few years. In 1625-1627 he was commissioned by the Flemish painter Daniël Seghers (who was also in Rome at the time) to paint two religious works for Cassiano dal Pozzo, a client with whom Poussin would have a relationship for thirty years. In 1626, Poussin shared a home with the Flemish sculptor François Duquesnoy. In 1630 he was somewhat settled in Rome and he married the sister of the painter Gaspard Dughet, Ann-Marie. Dughet moved in with the couple in 1636. Big commission at this time for Cardinal Richelieu: a series of bacchanals for his newly built castle near Orléans