Place/Date of activity

Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Reconquista with the War of Granada against the Emirate of Granada, which began in 1482 and was completed on January 2, 1492. A treaty with the Muslims regulated certain rights of Moors and Jews who would remain in Granada, including religious tolerance, which ultimately came to nothing. In 1494, Isabella and Ferdinand received from Pope Alexander VI Borgia, the title of Catholic Kings. On March 31, 1492, Isabella (against her will) and Ferdinand signed the Decree of Expulsion. This forced Jews to convert to Christianity or leave Spain. Although many converted and thus kept their property, some 160 000 to 400 000 marranos (also translatable as 'pigs') left. Their properties were confiscated. In 1499, Muslims were also faced with the choice to convert or leave. Hundreds of thousands left Spain; others were baptized.

Place/Date of activity

Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Reconquista with the War of Granada against the Emirate of Granada, which began in 1482 and was completed on January 2, 1492. A treaty with the Muslims regulated certain rights of Moors and Jews who would remain in Granada, including religious tolerance, which ultimately came to nothing. In 1494, Isabella and Ferdinand received from Pope Alexander VI Borgia, the title of Catholic Kings. On March 31, 1492, Isabella (against her will) and Ferdinand signed the Decree of Expulsion. This forced Jews to convert to Christianity or leave Spain. Although many converted and thus kept their property, some 160 000 to 400 000 marranos (also translatable as 'pigs') left. Their properties were confiscated. In 1499, Muslims were also faced with the choice to convert or leave. Hundreds of thousands left Spain; others were baptized.