Master of the Brussels Hours

Names remark: Northern Netherlandish illuminator named for a Book of Hours kept in Brussels (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Ms. IV.216). Part of the Bezborodko group, which is a subgroup of the Master of the Dark Eyes. Worked in a style characterized by relatively tall, slim and elegant figurers with pointed chins, and use of dark reds and blues (Broekhuijsen 2009).

Master of the Brussels Hours

Names remark: Northern Netherlandish illuminator named for a Book of Hours kept in Brussels (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Ms. IV.216). Part of the Bezborodko group, which is a subgroup of the Master of the Dark Eyes. Worked in a style characterized by relatively tall, slim and elegant figurers with pointed chins, and use of dark reds and blues (Broekhuijsen 2009).