Bezborodko Group

Names remark: Northern Netherlandish group of Illuminators named for the Bezborodko Hours kept in The Hague (KB nationale bibliotheek, Ms. 135 E 45). Subgroup of the Master of the Dark Eyes. Worked in a style characterized by soft and subtle colors and compositions modeled after prints, as well as by traditional border decoration featuring acanthus leaves, flowers, animals and fabulous beings, with initials decorated in a similar manner. The group consists of at least two hands that differ slightly in the modeling of their figures and their use of color. They have been named the Master of the Bezborodko Hours, for the aforementioned Book of Hours, and the Master of the Brussels Hours, for a Book of Hours kept in Brussels (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Ms. IV.216) (Broekhuijsen 2009).

Bezborodko Group

Names remark: Northern Netherlandish group of Illuminators named for the Bezborodko Hours kept in The Hague (KB nationale bibliotheek, Ms. 135 E 45). Subgroup of the Master of the Dark Eyes. Worked in a style characterized by soft and subtle colors and compositions modeled after prints, as well as by traditional border decoration featuring acanthus leaves, flowers, animals and fabulous beings, with initials decorated in a similar manner. The group consists of at least two hands that differ slightly in the modeling of their figures and their use of color. They have been named the Master of the Bezborodko Hours, for the aforementioned Book of Hours, and the Master of the Brussels Hours, for a Book of Hours kept in Brussels (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Ms. IV.216) (Broekhuijsen 2009).