Place/Date of activity

After his father's death in 1707 he inherited the family lands in Southern Holland, with his seat in Castle Zuid-Polsbroek (south-west of Utrecht city). His older bother received the estates in North-Holland. He lived alternately in Amsterdam (Herengracht 573), Caste Ilpenstein (Ilpendam, where he eventally died and was buried in the Reformed Church of Ilendam)) and Huis Bronstee (Heemstede)

Place/Date of activity

After his father's death in 1707 he inherited the family lands in Southern Holland, with his seat in Castle Zuid-Polsbroek (south-west of Utrecht city). His older bother received the estates in North-Holland. He lived alternately in Amsterdam (Herengracht 573), Caste Ilpenstein (Ilpendam, where he eventally died and was buried in the Reformed Church of Ilendam)) and Huis Bronstee (Heemstede)