Donnet, Ferdinand Jean Louis

Qualifications remark: He was secretary and librarian of the Academy Royale d'Archéologie de Belgique, secretary and later vice-chairman of the Antwerp Provincial Commission for Monuments and Sites, administrator of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Antwerp. From 1902 the 'Inventory of art objects kept in the public institutions of the Province of Antwerp' was published under his supervision. This nine-part inventory was published by the Provincial Commission for Monuments and Landscapes and completed in 1926. He has written numerous historical studies on genealogy and heraldry, works of art and monuments in the city and province of Antwerp.

Donnet, Ferdinand Jean Louis

Qualifications remark: He was secretary and librarian of the Academy Royale d'Archéologie de Belgique, secretary and later vice-chairman of the Antwerp Provincial Commission for Monuments and Sites, administrator of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Antwerp. From 1902 the 'Inventory of art objects kept in the public institutions of the Province of Antwerp' was published under his supervision. This nine-part inventory was published by the Provincial Commission for Monuments and Landscapes and completed in 1926. He has written numerous historical studies on genealogy and heraldry, works of art and monuments in the city and province of Antwerp.