Mutschelle, Joseph Bonaventura

Family relations: Son of sculptor Johann Georg Mutschelle from Bamberg, who became his (and his brother Martin's) teacher. He married in 1759 with Maria Benedicta Verhelst, born Hagn/Hagin, the widow of his teacher. His daughter Anna Franziska Walburga (born Munich, 3 December 1725) later married 1.º the engraver Rudlof Störchlin on 4 April 17. and 2.º the painter Joseph Christ (Thieme-Becker, vol.34, 1940)

Mutschelle, Joseph Bonaventura

Family relations: Son of sculptor Johann Georg Mutschelle from Bamberg, who became his (and his brother Martin's) teacher. He married in 1759 with Maria Benedicta Verhelst, born Hagn/Hagin, the widow of his teacher. His daughter Anna Franziska Walburga (born Munich, 3 December 1725) later married 1.º the engraver Rudlof Störchlin on 4 April 17. and 2.º the painter Joseph Christ (Thieme-Becker, vol.34, 1940)