Galerie Huijs Basten Asbeck

Qualifications remark: The gallery was founded by couples Annemarie and Frans van Voorst and Jeanne and Peter Bettenhaussen. They opened their gallery and tea garden in 2003, but when Frans passed away in 2008, they decided to call it quits. Today, the business is run by Angelique Krielen. The gallery's main focus is African art, that can also be found in the sculpture garden.

Galerie Huijs Basten Asbeck

Qualifications remark: The gallery was founded by couples Annemarie and Frans van Voorst and Jeanne and Peter Bettenhaussen. They opened their gallery and tea garden in 2003, but when Frans passed away in 2008, they decided to call it quits. Today, the business is run by Angelique Krielen. The gallery's main focus is African art, that can also be found in the sculpture garden.