Wrangel, Carl Gustaf (count)

Qualifications remark: Wrangel was Governor General of Pomerania. Wrangel had Matthäus Merian II as a court painter and owned fifty works by him. In his collection were several Dutch works. In 1651 Wrangel recieved a number of works from Harald Appelboom from Amsterdam, including a winter landscape by Jan Steen (Gerson 1942/1983). Another agent of Wrangel in the Netherlands was Michiel le Blon. When Kronborg fell into the hands of the Swedes in 1658, Wrangel came into the possession of works from Kronborg Castle of Christian IV. These included works by Anselm van Hulle, Simon Peter Tilman, Claes Moeyaert, Isaac Isaacsz., Salomon Koninck and Adriaen van Nieulandt (Gerson 1942/1983). He owned residences in Stockholm and Stralsund and the country estates Skokloster slott, Gripenberg, Bremerförde and Wrangelberg (in Pomerania) as well as the Spyker Castle on Rügen (Noldus 2004)

Wrangel, Carl Gustaf (count)

Qualifications remark: Wrangel was Governor General of Pomerania. Wrangel had Matthäus Merian II as a court painter and owned fifty works by him. In his collection were several Dutch works. In 1651 Wrangel recieved a number of works from Harald Appelboom from Amsterdam, including a winter landscape by Jan Steen (Gerson 1942/1983). Another agent of Wrangel in the Netherlands was Michiel le Blon. When Kronborg fell into the hands of the Swedes in 1658, Wrangel came into the possession of works from Kronborg Castle of Christian IV. These included works by Anselm van Hulle, Simon Peter Tilman, Claes Moeyaert, Isaac Isaacsz., Salomon Koninck and Adriaen van Nieulandt (Gerson 1942/1983). He owned residences in Stockholm and Stralsund and the country estates Skokloster slott, Gripenberg, Bremerförde and Wrangelberg (in Pomerania) as well as the Spyker Castle on Rügen (Noldus 2004)