Galerie Espace

Qualifications remark: The gallery was founded by Eva Bendien and Polly Chapon. Bendien had previously worked for a variety of art dealers. The gallery was one of the first contemporary art galleries in the Netherlands, and has been of great importance. After 1965, Bendien worked together with her partner Rutger Noordhoek Hegt. After Bendien passed away in 2000, Noordhoek Hegt contiuned to run the gallery (NRC Handelsblad, 25-06-2007).

Galerie Espace

Qualifications remark: The gallery was founded by Eva Bendien and Polly Chapon. Bendien had previously worked for a variety of art dealers. The gallery was one of the first contemporary art galleries in the Netherlands, and has been of great importance. After 1965, Bendien worked together with her partner Rutger Noordhoek Hegt. After Bendien passed away in 2000, Noordhoek Hegt contiuned to run the gallery (NRC Handelsblad, 25-06-2007).