Place/Date of activity

Andreas continued his father's business from 1799 onwards, mainly as a shopkeeper (Ter Molen 1994). The Schiotling brothers could not keep up the great name their father had build up, mainly because their clientele had left the country or had lost their influence and wealth under the French occupation and the Revolutionairy and Bonapartist government. In 1807 he was mentioned as independant master for the last time. In 1811 he sold the silvershop in Kalverstraat. At his death in 1813 he is mentioned sa silversmith, probably working in somebodyelse's workshop (Vreeken et al. 2003)

Place/Date of activity

Andreas continued his father's business from 1799 onwards, mainly as a shopkeeper (Ter Molen 1994). The Schiotling brothers could not keep up the great name their father had build up, mainly because their clientele had left the country or had lost their influence and wealth under the French occupation and the Revolutionairy and Bonapartist government. In 1807 he was mentioned as independant master for the last time. In 1811 he sold the silvershop in Kalverstraat. At his death in 1813 he is mentioned sa silversmith, probably working in somebodyelse's workshop (Vreeken et al. 2003)