Place/Date of activity

On 10 August 1668 registered as citizen (poorter) (Scheltema 1861); living on the Leytsegracht [Leidsegracht] (lit. 1885); bought a piece of land from the city between the Leidse- and the Keysersgracht on 12 February 1671 (Obreen vol. 5 (1882-1883, p. 16)

Place/Date of activity

On 10 August 1668 registered as citizen (poorter) (Scheltema 1861); living on the Leytsegracht [Leidsegracht] (lit. 1885); bought a piece of land from the city between the Leidse- and the Keysersgracht on 12 February 1671 (Obreen vol. 5 (1882-1883, p. 16)