Place/Date of activity

was welcomed here by his cousin Laureys Franck (Houbraken 1721, p. 97). Painted cartons for tapestries and decorations for François-Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois and the Princess of Condé as an assistent of Gilbert de Sève; settled in Faubourg St. Germain, where De Sève lived as well (Houbraken 1721). He became a member of the Académie in Paris in 1665 and worked for the Gobelins. In Rombouts/Van Lerius 1872, vol. 2, p. 414-416, note 1: '4 January 1665, Abraham Genoels from Antwerp, landscapist, left for Antwerp, after having helped M. Charles Lebrun in painting the backgrounds to his paintings' (quoted from L. Dussieux, Documents I, p. 365). How long he stayed in Antwerp before returning to Paris is not mentioned. On 7 May 1662 he was a witnes at the wedding of tapissier Guy de Lanoy in the parish of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie. On 1 February 1664 he presented his painting of a landscape to the Académie and was accepted as a member (Levert 2017A).

Place/Date of activity

was welcomed here by his cousin Laureys Franck (Houbraken 1721, p. 97). Painted cartons for tapestries and decorations for François-Michel le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois and the Princess of Condé as an assistent of Gilbert de Sève; settled in Faubourg St. Germain, where De Sève lived as well (Houbraken 1721). He became a member of the Académie in Paris in 1665 and worked for the Gobelins. In Rombouts/Van Lerius 1872, vol. 2, p. 414-416, note 1: '4 January 1665, Abraham Genoels from Antwerp, landscapist, left for Antwerp, after having helped M. Charles Lebrun in painting the backgrounds to his paintings' (quoted from L. Dussieux, Documents I, p. 365). How long he stayed in Antwerp before returning to Paris is not mentioned. On 7 May 1662 he was a witnes at the wedding of tapissier Guy de Lanoy in the parish of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie. On 1 February 1664 he presented his painting of a landscape to the Académie and was accepted as a member (Levert 2017A).