Place/Date of activity

He must have been back to France at the beginning of the year 1670 at the latest, as he received a payement for his work 'Les Batailles d'Alexandre' this same year (Thieme/Becker 1908). Probably returned at the end of 1669 or beginning 1670 (Saur 1992). On this occasion, Lebrun asked Colbert to encourage Gérard Audran to come to Paris and give him an appartment in the Gobelins (Thieme/Becker 1908). He was thus appointed engraver to the King, with a pension and an apartment in the Gobelins (Bénézit 2006). The date Audran moved in the Gobelins is not known, presumably shortly after returning from Italy; he was established there in 1674, according to the adress on his engraving 'Le jeune Pyrrhus sauvé'. The 'Comptes des Bâtiments' mentions 2 payments of 200 livres to Gérard Audran for works in the Gobelins in 1675 and 1677. It seems that the latter date refers to his departure from the Gobelins (Saur 1992). He left to establish his shop in the rue Saint-Jacques under the commercial sign 'Aux Deux Piliers d'Or'. The catalogue of engravings he sold there has been kept: 'Catalogue des estampes qui se vendent chez G. Audran, graveur ordinaire du Roi, rue St. Jacques aux Deux-Piliers d'or' (Thieme/Becker 1908). After his death, the house with insigna 'Aux Deux Piliers d'Or' was taken by François Chéreau (Grivel 1986). The non commercial sign of this building was 'L'Image Saint-Prosper' (Saur 1992).

Place/Date of activity

He must have been back to France at the beginning of the year 1670 at the latest, as he received a payement for his work 'Les Batailles d'Alexandre' this same year (Thieme/Becker 1908). Probably returned at the end of 1669 or beginning 1670 (Saur 1992). On this occasion, Lebrun asked Colbert to encourage Gérard Audran to come to Paris and give him an appartment in the Gobelins (Thieme/Becker 1908). He was thus appointed engraver to the King, with a pension and an apartment in the Gobelins (Bénézit 2006). The date Audran moved in the Gobelins is not known, presumably shortly after returning from Italy; he was established there in 1674, according to the adress on his engraving 'Le jeune Pyrrhus sauvé'. The 'Comptes des Bâtiments' mentions 2 payments of 200 livres to Gérard Audran for works in the Gobelins in 1675 and 1677. It seems that the latter date refers to his departure from the Gobelins (Saur 1992). He left to establish his shop in the rue Saint-Jacques under the commercial sign 'Aux Deux Piliers d'Or'. The catalogue of engravings he sold there has been kept: 'Catalogue des estampes qui se vendent chez G. Audran, graveur ordinaire du Roi, rue St. Jacques aux Deux-Piliers d'or' (Thieme/Becker 1908). After his death, the house with insigna 'Aux Deux Piliers d'Or' was taken by François Chéreau (Grivel 1986). The non commercial sign of this building was 'L'Image Saint-Prosper' (Saur 1992).