Place/Date of activity

Departure for Rome in 1666 (Thieme/Becker 1908) or 1667 (Bénézit 2006). He worked in Carlo Maratta's workshop in Italy (Grivel 1986) and also took advice from Ciro Ferri (Bénézit 2006). In Rome, he stood out in particular in 1668 with his engravings 'l'Histoire de David et de Goliath' (the ceiling of the Vigna Sacchetti) and 'l'Histoire d'Enée' (from the Palazzo Pamfili) both after P. da Cortona (Thieme/Becker 1908; Saur 1992).

Place/Date of activity

Departure for Rome in 1666 (Thieme/Becker 1908) or 1667 (Bénézit 2006). He worked in Carlo Maratta's workshop in Italy (Grivel 1986) and also took advice from Ciro Ferri (Bénézit 2006). In Rome, he stood out in particular in 1668 with his engravings 'l'Histoire de David et de Goliath' (the ceiling of the Vigna Sacchetti) and 'l'Histoire d'Enée' (from the Palazzo Pamfili) both after P. da Cortona (Thieme/Becker 1908; Saur 1992).