Place/Date of activity

Lived in 1649 in the Rue des Petits-Champs in Paris; married 24 December 1649 in Paris to Susanna van Roy, originally from Antwerp, widow of Martin Linssen, also formerly from Antwerp. Karel lived before his marriage in 1649 to her in the same street as she: rue des Ménéstriers. The couple kept an inn, frequented by many artists mainly from the Low Countries (N/S) (Mandrella 2012, p. 287, note 7); signed a deed in Amsterdam on 29 August 1650 and called himself a merchant on his way to Paris (Kilian 2005, p. 7).

Place/Date of activity

Lived in 1649 in the Rue des Petits-Champs in Paris; married 24 December 1649 in Paris to Susanna van Roy, originally from Antwerp, widow of Martin Linssen, also formerly from Antwerp. Karel lived before his marriage in 1649 to her in the same street as she: rue des Ménéstriers. The couple kept an inn, frequented by many artists mainly from the Low Countries (N/S) (Mandrella 2012, p. 287, note 7); signed a deed in Amsterdam on 29 August 1650 and called himself a merchant on his way to Paris (Kilian 2005, p. 7).