Place/Date of activity

On June 2, 1522, Ottheinrich and his brother Philipp were declared of the age of majority in the knight's hall of Burglengenfeld Castle on the occasion of a Neuburg state parliament held there. Ottheinrich then took over the government of the Principality of Palatinate-Neuburg (Young Palatinate), with his brother Philipp. He now called himself Ottheinrich von Pfalz-Neuburg and in the following years converted Neuburg Castle into a Renaissance residential palace. His quest fof high life regularly brought him to the brink of bankruptcy.

Place/Date of activity

On June 2, 1522, Ottheinrich and his brother Philipp were declared of the age of majority in the knight's hall of Burglengenfeld Castle on the occasion of a Neuburg state parliament held there. Ottheinrich then took over the government of the Principality of Palatinate-Neuburg (Young Palatinate), with his brother Philipp. He now called himself Ottheinrich von Pfalz-Neuburg and in the following years converted Neuburg Castle into a Renaissance residential palace. His quest fof high life regularly brought him to the brink of bankruptcy.