Place/Date of activity

She grew up in her parents artistically oriented house on Geldersekade. Like her two sisters they received an excellent education, well versed in humaniora, the arts and music and even swimming in a canal in their father's garden. She build up a very important circle of friends and acquaintances, like P.C. Hooft, Hugo de Groot , Constantijn Huygens, Rubens and Anna Maria van Schurman and not least of all Jacob Cats, who deicated his 'Maechden-plicht' (1618) and his emblem album Silenus Alcibiadis (1618) to her.

Place/Date of activity

She grew up in her parents artistically oriented house on Geldersekade. Like her two sisters they received an excellent education, well versed in humaniora, the arts and music and even swimming in a canal in their father's garden. She build up a very important circle of friends and acquaintances, like P.C. Hooft, Hugo de Groot , Constantijn Huygens, Rubens and Anna Maria van Schurman and not least of all Jacob Cats, who deicated his 'Maechden-plicht' (1618) and his emblem album Silenus Alcibiadis (1618) to her.