Angellis, Pieter

Names remark: often signed with 'P. Angellis', also with: 'P. Angellès', 'P. Angelles', 'P. Angelis'. Signed paintings give rise to the presumption that the Flemish painter N. Anchillus, who made copies after still-lifes of Frans Snijders, painted in London in the 1720s, is our Pieter Angellis (Willigen/Meijer 2003).

Angellis, Pieter

Names remark: often signed with 'P. Angellis', also with: 'P. Angellès', 'P. Angelles', 'P. Angelis'. Signed paintings give rise to the presumption that the Flemish painter N. Anchillus, who made copies after still-lifes of Frans Snijders, painted in London in the 1720s, is our Pieter Angellis (Willigen/Meijer 2003).