Place/Date of activity

In 1708 Closterman acted again as steward for the St Luke's Club feast (Vertue, BL, Add. MS 39167, fol. 75v). On 19 August 1710 he made a will, leaving bequests of £500 to his sisters Margareta Catharina Gruter (who was married to his servant Philipus Franciscus Ferdinandus Gruter) and Anna Maria Muino, who was living in The Hague and the residue to brother John Baptist. On 28 February 1711 he held a picture auction, advertised in the newspapers (ODNB)

Place/Date of activity

In 1708 Closterman acted again as steward for the St Luke's Club feast (Vertue, BL, Add. MS 39167, fol. 75v). On 19 August 1710 he made a will, leaving bequests of £500 to his sisters Margareta Catharina Gruter (who was married to his servant Philipus Franciscus Ferdinandus Gruter) and Anna Maria Muino, who was living in The Hague and the residue to brother John Baptist. On 28 February 1711 he held a picture auction, advertised in the newspapers (ODNB)