Place/Date of activity

reached Rome via Marseille, Genua and Livorno; Saur 1996 claims he may already have reached Rome by Easter 1616; Hoogewerff 1952 mentions 1618 and reports a sojourn in Parma; lived at Via della Croce (1619-20), Via dei Pontefici, (together with the painter Wouter Pietersz. Crabeth II (1621)) and alone in Via Ripetta (1624-1627) successively (Hoogewerff 1942 and 1952; Vodret 2011); visited the Italian cities of Venice, Florence, Mantua, Siena, Bologna, Naples and Padua, where he received several assignments (De Bie 1662); recorded in Italy for the last time in Italy October 18, 1627, when he was involved in a stabbing in which Claude Lorrain unsuccessfully tried to mediate, and was forced to leave Rome (P. Huys Janssen in: Plomp et al. 1994, p. 16)

Place/Date of activity

reached Rome via Marseille, Genua and Livorno; Saur 1996 claims he may already have reached Rome by Easter 1616; Hoogewerff 1952 mentions 1618 and reports a sojourn in Parma; lived at Via della Croce (1619-20), Via dei Pontefici, (together with the painter Wouter Pietersz. Crabeth II (1621)) and alone in Via Ripetta (1624-1627) successively (Hoogewerff 1942 and 1952; Vodret 2011); visited the Italian cities of Venice, Florence, Mantua, Siena, Bologna, Naples and Padua, where he received several assignments (De Bie 1662); recorded in Italy for the last time in Italy October 18, 1627, when he was involved in a stabbing in which Claude Lorrain unsuccessfully tried to mediate, and was forced to leave Rome (P. Huys Janssen in: Plomp et al. 1994, p. 16)