The Birth of the Virgin, The Presentation in the Temple (interior left wing); The Marriage of Mary and Joseph, The Adoration of the Shepherds, The Crucifixion, The Adoration of the Magi (centre); The Flight into Egypt, Christ's dispute with the Doctors of the Temple (interior right wing); The Entry into Jerusalem, The Purification of the Temple (interior left predella wing); Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles, The Last Supper, The Agony in the Garden (predella); The Arrest of Christ, Christ before Pilate (interior right predella wing); The Carrying of the Cross (interior left upper wing); The Lamentation (interior right upper wing)

The Birth of the Virgin, The Presentation in the Temple (interior left wing); The Marriage of Mary and Joseph, The Adoration of the Shepherds, The Crucifixion, The Adoration of the Magi (centre); The Flight into Egypt, Christ's dispute with the Doctors of the Temple (interior right wing); The Entry into Jerusalem, The Purification of the Temple (interior left predella wing); Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles, The Last Supper, The Agony in the Garden (predella); The Arrest of Christ, Christ before Pilate (interior right predella wing); The Carrying of the Cross (interior left upper wing); The Lamentation (interior right upper wing)