The Nativity, The Circumcision, The Adoration of the Magi (predella); Christs' Entry into Jerusalem, Judas Betrays Christ, The Arrest, Christ before Pilate (interior left wing); Ecce Homo, The Crucifion, The Lamentation (centre); The Entombment, Christ in Limbo, The Resurrection, The Undoubtedly Thomas (interior right wing)

The Nativity, The Circumcision, The Adoration of the Magi (predella); Christs' Entry into Jerusalem, Judas Betrays Christ, The Arrest, Christ before Pilate (interior left wing); Ecce Homo, The Crucifion, The Lamentation (centre); The Entombment, Christ in Limbo, The Resurrection, The Undoubtedly Thomas (interior right wing)