The Agony in the Garden, The Arrest, Christ before Pilate, The Marriage of Mary and Joseph, The Annuncation (interior left wing); The Adoration of the Shepherds, The Presentation in the Temple, The Adoration of the Magi, The Carrying of the Cross, The Crucifixion, The Descent from the Cross (centre); Christ Appearing to Mary, The Entombment, The Resurrection, The Massacre of the Innoncents, The Flight into Egypt (interior right wing)

The Agony in the Garden, The Arrest, Christ before Pilate, The Marriage of Mary and Joseph, The Annuncation (interior left wing); The Adoration of the Shepherds, The Presentation in the Temple, The Adoration of the Magi, The Carrying of the Cross, The Crucifixion, The Descent from the Cross (centre); Christ Appearing to Mary, The Entombment, The Resurrection, The Massacre of the Innoncents, The Flight into Egypt (interior right wing)