The Marriage of Mary and Joseph, The Annunciation (interior left predella wing); The Circumcision, The Adoration of the Shepherds, The Adoration of the Magi (predella); The Presentation in the Temple, Christ's Dispute with the Doctors of the Temple (interior right predella wing); Ecce Homo (interior left upper wing); The Last Supper, The Arrest of Christ, Christ's Entry into Jerusalem, The Agony in the Garden (interior left wing); The Flagellation of Christ, The Mocking of Christ, The Carrying of the Cross, The Crucifixion, The Descent from the Cross, The Entombment, The Resurrection, Cleopas and Peter Meet Christ, The Undoubtedly Thomas (centre); Christ Appears to his Disciples, Peter Throws Himself in the Sea and Wades towards Christ, The Ascension, Pentecost (interior right wing); Noli me tangere (interior right upper wing)

The Marriage of Mary and Joseph, The Annunciation (interior left predella wing); The Circumcision, The Adoration of the Shepherds, The Adoration of the Magi (predella); The Presentation in the Temple, Christ's Dispute with the Doctors of the Temple (interior right predella wing); Ecce Homo (interior left upper wing); The Last Supper, The Arrest of Christ, Christ's Entry into Jerusalem, The Agony in the Garden (interior left wing); The Flagellation of Christ, The Mocking of Christ, The Carrying of the Cross, The Crucifixion, The Descent from the Cross, The Entombment, The Resurrection, Cleopas and Peter Meet Christ, The Undoubtedly Thomas (centre); Christ Appears to his Disciples, Peter Throws Himself in the Sea and Wades towards Christ, The Ascension, Pentecost (interior right wing); Noli me tangere (interior right upper wing)