Mary's Suitors before the Altar, The Marriage of Mary and Joseph, The Birth of the Virgin, The Dedication of Mary (interior left wing); The Raising of Lazarus, Christ Preaching, The Purification of the Temple, Christ Taking Leave of Mary, Christ Washing the Feet of Peter, The Last Supper, The Carrying of the Cross, The Crucifixion, The Descent from the Cross and The Lamentation (centre); The Circumcision, The Adoration of the Magi, The Presentation in the Temple, The Flight into Egypt, Christs' Dispute with the Doctors of the Temple (interior right wing); Christ before Pilate, The Flagellation (interior left predella wing); The Annunciation, The Sick before Reliquary of Agilolf (predella); Pilate Washing his Hands in Innocence, Ecce Homo (interior right predella wing)

Mary's Suitors before the Altar, The Marriage of Mary and Joseph, The Birth of the Virgin, The Dedication of Mary (interior left wing); The Raising of Lazarus, Christ Preaching, The Purification of the Temple, Christ Taking Leave of Mary, Christ Washing the Feet of Peter, The Last Supper, The Carrying of the Cross, The Crucifixion, The Descent from the Cross and The Lamentation (centre); The Circumcision, The Adoration of the Magi, The Presentation in the Temple, The Flight into Egypt, Christs' Dispute with the Doctors of the Temple (interior right wing); Christ before Pilate, The Flagellation (interior left predella wing); The Annunciation, The Sick before Reliquary of Agilolf (predella); Pilate Washing his Hands in Innocence, Ecce Homo (interior right predella wing)