The Marriage of Joachim and Anna, Joachim Distributing Alms, Moses Cuts Two Stone Tablets, Joachim's Sacrifice Refused by the Priest (interior left wing); Joachim in the Wilderness with his Shepherds, The Prayer of Anna, The Meeting of Anna and Joachim at the Golden Gate, The Birth of Mary, The Presentation of Mary in the Temple (centre); The story of Cain and Abel, The Death of Joachim, The Burial of Joachim (interior right wing)

The Marriage of Joachim and Anna, Joachim Distributing Alms, Moses Cuts Two Stone Tablets, Joachim's Sacrifice Refused by the Priest (interior left wing); Joachim in the Wilderness with his Shepherds, The Prayer of Anna, The Meeting of Anna and Joachim at the Golden Gate, The Birth of Mary, The Presentation of Mary in the Temple (centre); The story of Cain and Abel, The Death of Joachim, The Burial of Joachim (interior right wing)