account of divers choice remarks, as well geographical, as historical, political, mathematical, physical, and moral; taken in a journey through the Low-Countries, France, Italy, and part of Spain; with the isles of Sicily and Malta. As also, A voyage to the Levant: a description of Candia, Egypt, the Red Sea, the desarts of Arabia, Mount-Horeb, and Mount-Sinai; the coasts of Palestine, Syria, and Asia-Minor; the Helespont, Propontis, and Constantinople; the isles of the Carpathian, Egean, and Ionian seas. Wherein, their present state, interst, customs, manners, and religion; their learning, and learned men; with the most celebrated pieces of sculpture, painting, &c. are more accurately set forth, than hath hitherto been done ... And what else occurr'd most remarkable in thirteen years travels


account of divers choice remarks, as well geographical, as historical, political, mathematical, physical, and moral; taken in a journey through the Low-Countries, France, Italy, and part of Spain; with the isles of Sicily and Malta. As also, A voyage to the Levant: a description of Candia, Egypt, the Red Sea, the desarts of Arabia, Mount-Horeb, and Mount-Sinai; the coasts of Palestine, Syria, and Asia-Minor; the Helespont, Propontis, and Constantinople; the isles of the Carpathian, Egean, and Ionian seas. Wherein, their present state, interst, customs, manners, and religion; their learning, and learned men; with the most celebrated pieces of sculpture, painting, &c. are more accurately set forth, than hath hitherto been done ... And what else occurr'd most remarkable in thirteen years travels