The extensive, genuine, and highly valuable collection of pictures, late the property of the hon. John Clerk of Eldin, one of the senators of the College of Justice. The collection contains very choice and desirable specimens of the works of the following admired masters in the different schools, and principally of cabinet size, viz. Raffaele, Titian, Proccacini, Tintoretto, Pordenone ... also the superb and entire collection of engravings, painters' etchings, and original drawings by the greatest masters and a splendid and rare assemblage of ancient china, bronzes, terra-cottas, casts from the antique, coins &c. &c.

The extensive, genuine, and highly valuable collection of pictures, late the property of the hon. John Clerk of Eldin, one of the senators of the College of Justice. The collection contains very choice and desirable specimens of the works of the following admired masters in the different schools, and principally of cabinet size, viz. Raffaele, Titian, Proccacini, Tintoretto, Pordenone ... also the superb and entire collection of engravings, painters' etchings, and original drawings by the greatest masters and a splendid and rare assemblage of ancient china, bronzes, terra-cottas, casts from the antique, coins &c. &c.