The magnificent and costly furniture of the princely mansion Wanstead House, consisting of grand costly bedsteads, with rich velvet, silk, damask and other furnitures ... a valuable collection of fine paintings and sculpture, by Italian, Flemish and English masters; bronzes, casts from the the antique, splendid Gobelin tapestry, damask & velvet hangings, &c. ... [etc.] [Lugt 10272]

The magnificent and costly furniture of the princely mansion Wanstead House, consisting of grand costly bedsteads, with rich velvet, silk, damask and other furnitures ... a valuable collection of fine paintings and sculpture, by Italian, Flemish and English masters; bronzes, casts from the the antique, splendid Gobelin tapestry, damask & velvet hangings, &c. ... [etc.] [Lugt 10272]