Created on Nov 9th, 2021

RKD – Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis is een van de belangrijkste documentatie- en onderzoeksinstellingen ter wereld. Als kennisinstituut werken we nauw samen met musea, erfgoedinstellingen, universiteiten en particuliere instellingen. Het RKD heeft naast een onderzoeksfunctie, een collectie- en een publieksfunctie. Onze medewerkers leveren bijdragen aan onderzoek, publicaties en tentoonstellingen.



This query returns a constructed graph to show the role patterns used in place and period of activity. It is used in the RKD artists sdo changes story.

Created 2 months ago, 4 versions


This query shows the new death pattern in the Artists SDO dataset. It is used in the story explaining the changes between datasets.

Created 2 months ago, 3 versions


This query shows the new birth pattern in the Artists SDO dataset. It is used in the story explaining the changes between datasets.

Created 2 months ago, 9 versions


This query is an example of a federated query for the artists sdo data story.

Author: Rianne Piening

Created 2 months ago, 2 versions


This query shows an example of an artist of the type Person for the Artists in schema.org datastory.

Author: Rianne Piening

Created 2 months ago, 6 versions


This query is part of the Artists SDO Data Story. It shows how to grab all entities in the Artists dataset by using VALUES for the type and count the respective numbers of PERSONS and ORGANISATIONS in the dataset.

Author: Rianne Piening

Created 2 months ago, 2 versions


This query is used in the RKD demonstration story and shows artwork locations.

Created a year ago, 4 versions


This query is for the RKD demonstration story. It finds artworks that portray artists

Created a year ago, 3 versions


This query is for the RKD research demo story. It shows all artists born in a province.

Created a year ago, 8 versions


This query is for the RKD research Demo story. It shows a distribution of artists per province.

Created a year ago, 2 versions


This query is for the RKD research Demo story. It shows the ten tallest artworks.

Created a year ago, 4 versions


This query is for the RKD research Demo story. It shows artworks in ukraine.

Created a year ago, 2 versions


This query is for the RKD research Demo story. It shows artwork locations in europe.

Created a year ago, 4 versions


This query is for the RKD research Demo story. It shows a distribution of collections in the RKD data.

Created a year ago, 2 versions


This query is for the RKD research Demo story. It shows the distribution of artwork types in the RKD data.

Created a year ago, 3 versions


This query is for the RKD research Demo story. It shows years of production. However, at the moment it times out.

Created a year ago, 5 versions