"cleaned by Hargrave in 1976" ( Ingamells 1985-1992 , vol. 4 (1992), p. 122)
cleaning (Kunze, 'Zwei Gemälde ...... p. 1; Grimm 2023, no. A1.108)
The conservation was carried out by Mr. Müller
At the end of the exhibition ' ...... the Alte Pinakothek, München.
Since the 1960s, the support o ...... he course of the 19th century.
treatment: varnish and repaint ...... losses, retouching, varnishing
The painting was varnished (see also Mottin e.v. 2012, p. 117).
technical examination with normal light and stereomicroscope
'Clean, and varnish thinly' an ...... reatment of several paintings.
"cleaned and restored by Buttery" (White/De Sancha 2015, no. 161, p. 311-314)
"6.7.70: Einen tiefen Firnis- ...... /Dokumentation Restaurierung).
The restoration of the paintin ...... ed by overly zealous cleaning.
For the publication, technical ...... nation was done on the panels.
The Detroit Institute of Arts ...... or early nineteenth century."
treatment of the surface of the painting
documentation of this project has not yet been included
After the Second World War pai ...... transported back to Wiesbaden.
The rectangular panel was give ...... ijk (Noble e.a. 2008, p. 105).
treated in the conservation studio at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam; relining with wax
From February 1993 till June 1 ...... ja Zeldenrust and Martin Bijl.
technical studies (stereomicro ...... normal light and raking light)
"minor treatment by Holder in 1942" (White/De Sancha 2015, no. 164, p. 325-327)
likely carried out in 1955, possibly for the exhibition in Norway
condition check upon acquisition in April 2013
"cleaned by Vallance in 1973" ( Ingamells 1985-1992 , vol. 4 (1992), p. 291)
'Washed and buffed' by N. Hopman (Noble e.a. 2008, p. 105).
"cleaned"(MacLaren/Brown 1991, p. 337)
relined by Holder (information ...... wich Picture Gallery, 2018-12)
panel attached to canvas removed, canvas wax resin lined
Between 1953 and 1954 Mertens relined the painting in order to strengthen the canvas.
treatment note: "1559 Rembrand ...... isch gefirniszt 1838 Schirmer"
"No 1562, Rembrandt, Mädchen m ...... SKD GG, no. 8, vol. 11, p. 27)
the exhibition took place in the Alte Pinakothek
"1214 Rembrandt, junges lachen ...... SKD GG, no. 8, vol. 3, p. 163)
Bericht über die Restaurations ...... Zentralarchiv SMB, ZA: I/GG 5)
"[...] Van Rembrandt's Staalme ...... enis en Kunst, LXXVII (1955)).
note on "Property Card-Art" of ...... n inventory number WIE 0/134).
treated at M. Knoedler & Co., ...... 47, for the Taft Museum of Art
Mr Jacques Vis contributed sub ...... the entry for the Night watch.
Treatment: removing of lining and relining.
studied and documented with normal light, UV, infrared, microscopy and X-radiography
"Befund: Die kleine Tafel war ...... tment, Gemäldegalerie Berlin).
"der Meister selbst, gereinigt ...... anuar 1849 durch Insp. Renner"
"1556 Rembrandt van Riyn No 15 ...... Insp. Renner" (treatment note)
Treatment: removal of bloom and surface dust, and probably revarnished.
removal of varnish and overpaint; filled, retouched and revarnished
'complete restoration' (Bikker/Bruijnen/Wuestman 2007, p. 172)
"Protokoll über den Zustand na ...... G, no. 8, vol. 6, p. 141/ 142)